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years working on a book on the Mongols, "The Masters of China", of whom he says the Russians are the direct descendants in both blood and policy.  I got a goodly number of books from him at very favorable prices, books he had bought for reference and finished using.  We talked more; he showed me his house, and great old Chinese place, with the walles pannelled with the carved blackwood doors of 400 pairs of big cabinets.  He has some rare old books, curious curios, and various other interesting features in the house, such as an English fireplace, a huge billiard table, naked beams in his dining room, and - - - - - - -   He is a man of prejudice and eccentricites; believes in the Anglo-Saxon of the days"when men were men in China"; is an alarmist, quite willing to help us when the anti-Christian agitators burn us out on Christmas Eve, but advocating the use of a few Marines: a lover of books almost to the extent of making books idols; an engineer by profession, though apparently not practicing his business; altogether a most amazing and interesting man, with whom I shall enjoy becoming better acquainted.

Dorothy continue sick and we have the doctor, who says that all she needs is to keep flatand quiet, to keep the cold fromgetting down into her lungs and causing real trouble.

She continues to improve, and will, we hope soon be able to save me from having to break so many dates for her.

Sunday, 20 December

Dorothy is up and around the house some today, butnot out yet.  Monday she tears around as well as ever, apparently, getting things ready for Christmas. Tuesday I have classes as usual, and Wednesday,  But Thursday is to be free.  This brings  us up to Wednesday evening, more or less, telling little about shopping together and eating Chinese food in the mutton restaurant on Tuesday, - Wednesday night when we fixed up the Christmas tree and got things pretty well along toward completion for Christmas; but of that more later.  Now, having caught us up to date by swiftly flying through the days, we bid you all a Happy Christmas.