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Saturday, 26 December

Though this was the morning after we were in excellent spirits when we arose.  We had breakfast on our dining room table.  spread with the blue persimmon cloth, and adorned with our new napkin rings.  Just as we were finishing breakfast American mail began to come in.  The interruption of communications between here and Tientsin by the latest war has delayed the mails somewhat, so we rejoiced at letter.  Most of these were fairly old, dating from early November, though some were mailed as late as Thanksgiving.  They told of boxes being sent to us, and now we are looking forward to their arrival.

When we had finished reading the mail I had some work to do and in the afternoon I went to the library as usual and got it some good work.

Sunday, 27 December.

This turned out to be a cold and blowy day, with frozen dust hurled viciously along through all the streets and alleys by a frozen wind.  We spent the morning together writing out in my office, and in the afternoon ventured out into the cold and wind and dust to get the makings of a new scrap book for Dorothy.  We went to the Tung An Shih Ch'ang, and there bought a roll of Korean paper and some yellow [[underline]] tuei-tzu [[/underline]] paper.  At my stationers we got some heavy cardboard and some paste, and then we came home.  I turned the study into a workshop while Dorothy went over to Ting Hsiang Hutung, and when she came back I had a new book in press, and paper all cut for the leaves.  This book has covers of blue and white cloth with patterns of fish and lotuses; lined with the yellow paper.  The sheets are large enough to take a whole page of such magazines and Child Life, and hold flat and spread open all sorts of flattering letters from publishers.  the general effect and result is quite satisfactory.  We spent the evening pasting press notices and photographs, Dorothy and I respectively.

Monday, 28 December 1925

More letters and papers came this morning, and I more work to do.  W. P. Wang cannot take the work here, so I am after someone else, and