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but I am going to be prepared when the time comes and, because I am not in a mission, they break faith with me and soothe me by saying that of course I understand how it is and my devotion to the ideals of the school will certainly not let my selfish interests stand in the way of their development.

I do not mean to fix any personal blame for this as I could and did in the case of Varney; I am fairly certain that it is not Leighton's doing though his was the job of putting it through; but I have an idea that I know where the difficulty lies.  It is not as if Clem was not doing the best work of the kind in North China, either: there is no other school in either Peking or Tientsin that can compare with his.  Personally he is not especially attractive at times, for he talks too much, but he is not unique in that.  The real fact probably is internal jealousy or more or less personal dislike.  I happen right now to be in, but - well, I don't want to be caught unprepared and spend the kind of days and nights that Clem is spending now.



1 January 1926

It certainly will be.  Look at thisnpast year.  New work with Yenching.  Invitation to join the Y. S. C. S. faculty.  Engagement and marriage - events that will make this year 1925 one of the most significant in history.  Head of the Departmentnof English.  Lecturer in Chinese art.  Some year, some year!

We rose a bit later today than usual, and had a late breakfast; then about noon we went over to the Palace Museum, open today after many weeks of war-closing.  In November 1924 the ex-emperor and his family and retinue were all driven out by the Cromwellian Christian Feng I-hsiang.  Soon afterwards wiser hands took command and a Cimmission on the Readjustment of the Ch'ing Household Affairs was appointed.  This commission took charge of the deserted palaces, made a complete inventory and sealed the entire place.  Requests came for it to be opened to the public, and late last spring it was opened every Saturday and Sunday in the afternoon.  Through the summer it continued open, but this fall it was