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I had tried to see him in the morning but he had been busy.  Now when I sent up a note to ask him if he had O.K.d the proof for the programs he asked me to go up to his room.  I went, and when we finished our little business we fell to speaking of Indian art.  I thought I had been there but a few minutes when I broke away and went downstairs to find the party all over, the orchestra gone, and my party dressed to leave and distinctly provoked with me. It was bad business on my part, and I was ashamed of messing up the party, but Landon was interesting and his talk quite worth while.

Friday, 22 January
Dorothy shopped most of the afternoon on an American order. When I came home we went over to Ting Hsiang for tea, taking with us a new tea pot for the girls' house.

Saturday, 23 January
Occupying a good deal of my spare time lately has been the work I have been doing in going over Dr. Ferguson's manuscript for his new book on Chinese painting.  It has meant careful reading, checking up on clerical slips, little points that night not be clear to less learned readers, occasional inconsistencies, and so on. I also had a few suggestions for modifications and additions.  This morning, the work completed, I went over to His Ch'iao Hutung, and Dr. Ferguson and I spent several hours over the book.  There were a couple doubtful references and descriptions to look up, some new points to settle, and some questions to raise.  I was immensely interested, for this is by far the best thing that has yet been done in the field.  Dr. Ferguson seemed satisfied with my work, so I was well pleased.

We went to Lung Fu Ssu, [[strikethrough]] the greatest of the regular temple fairs, and while there I bought a new bird, a t'ai-p'ing, or Bohemian waxwing. [[/strikethrough]] the greatest of the temple fairs, while Dorothy bought some more stuff for her American friend.  In the evening we went with Tom and Violet to see Jackie Coogan in the "Boy of Flanders".

Sunday, 24 January
Sunday is becoming especially appreciated in our house since we have to get out for eight o'clocks all the rest of the week.