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Spirit thrones were still in place in the halls, into which one could look through the netting nailed across the doorways, The utensils of sacrifice were still stored in the side rooms. There were great paved courts, and the buildings were in splendid condition. Outside there is a beautiful grove of old cedar trees which sepaprated the temple from the rest of the world. 

Dorothy attended an extremely dumb tea in which an old acquaintance sought to pay off some thirty debts. 

Firday, 19 February 

Tom and Violet and Dorothy and I went to Pei Hai for the day. Pei Hai, formerly so sacred that a member of high standing in the emperor's retinue was docked a year's salary for stepping in the garden without permission or invitation, is now a public park. Only a year ago when we used to spend Sundays there it was a closed place and special passes were necessary. Now anyone can get in by paying a dime, and there are no longer begging soldiers and greedy boatmen to dog one's footsteps. The best thing of all is that the place is being restored and the bright new paint of a many a pavilion, the widened paths, the cleared lawns and hillsides delight me completely. All of the old halls and temples are open, and many of the pavilions have been let as concessions to restaurants, refreshment dealers and at least one to a photographer. One of the conditions seems to be that the places be restored to their original condition of good repair and bright paint. At least many of them have been so restored, though I did not ascertain the details. I cannot sufficiently rejoice over this. It is great, simple great. 

We had lunch on an elevated terrace overlooking the lake and newly repaired archway, and after we had disposed of plenty of good food we wandered around the lake and out of the back door. We had errands to do, so Dorothy and I left the others and hurried home via a cloth shop and the School. 

Louise and Carey had supper with us, and in the evening we looked over pictures, Louise helping me to decide what pictures to prepare for the forthcoming exhibition to be held at the Peking Institute of Fine Arts. I am planning to take several prizes;