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Monday, 22 February 

This is the last day of vacation, and classes begin tomorrow as usual. There were sundry minortask for me, and Dorothy spent a part of the day getting some new clothes made. 

Tuesday, 23 February 

Gave my second lecture of painting this afternoon, while Dorothy went to tea at Darnell's. The Darnells live across the street from us and have for a long time. In fact they lived there when Dorothy and Eleanor came to take the house here. Mrs. Darnell has a bedroom that overlooks the street and our front gate. The Rubys know the Darnells and not long ago Mrs. Darnell in a burst of confidence informed Margaret that she actually believed that foreigners lived in the little gray house across from them. Margaret allowed that she knew us, and Mrs. Darnell was impatient to meet Dorothy, the. So  Margaret, by special invitation, took Dorothy over, and they had tea. On the whole it was all rather dumb, and tho Mrs. Darnell has leanred that she is living in good company it makes no difference in our young lives. 

In the evening we had supper at Vincent's. There is an organization known as the Faculty Fellowship which makes it its business to get the foreign members of the faculty together periodically for food and entertainment or prayer. Chinese, except a few especially "favored" ones are not invited, and the whole affair is usually so dull that we do not go. This time Dorothy was informed that she was one of the hostesses and was expected to contribute six pies and freezer of ice cream. We ordered the pies at the bakery and made the cream and sent it over, together with Ching Ch'en to help wait table. Then, which was worse, we had to ourselves. The crowd was unusually stupid, and as soon as supper was over we had to leave to keep other engagement, in spite of the fact that Lucius Porter, of whom we both are quite fond, was to lead the prayer meeting. 

Wednesday, 24 February 

Dorothy and I walked up to School and she read and wrote while I worked and lectured on the bibliography ob philosophy. We tried to see a house we had heard of for rent in the neighborhood,