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prepresented School. Wm.B. got back from Shanghai just yesterday.

     We walked home together, stopping at a curio[[strike]]r[[/strike]] shop or two on the way, and Louise had supper with us.

[[centred]] Monday, 1 March [[/centred]]

Dorothy entertained the Y. S. C. S. this mornin by reading to the students on e of the Rabbit Lantern stories.   In the afternoon I went up to School, got our stereopticon, brought it back and set it up in Ferguson's big room, attended part of a Council meeting, an then hurried over to Ferguson's to run the slides for Perceval Landon's lecture on Nepal.  He had specially requested that I assist him, and I was very glad to do it both for thim and for the Institute of Fine Arts.

When it was over I came home, and Dorothy and Louise and I took the dogs and went for a walk on the wall.  The moon came up behind the Hatamen while we were walking, and it was a glorious sight. Lou came back and had supper with us.

[[centred]] Tuesday, 2 March [[/centred]]

The third of my four art lectures was this afternoon, and I spoke on Sung dynasty painting.

One of the features of the day was home mail, a large shipment, which was much enjoyed.

[[centred]] Wednesday, 3 March[[/centred]]

We had a faculty meeting at lunch today, and decided to hold a summer session in Peking from 28 June to 30 July.  After decided the date Wm.B. started around the table asking for courses. "Arthur, what will you offer?" Hummel agreed to offer a lecture course on a Critical Approach to Chinese History, and a seminar on Chinese Sources for Historay. "Lucius, what will you offer?" "Two seminars- one on the Survey of Chinese Thinking, and the other on Mo Tzu."  "Ben, what will you offer?" The use of the library."  But I did not get by with that alone, so agreed to give ten lectures on Chinese painting. There will be course in Wen Li, and other subjects,