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[[stamped]] 0573 [[/stamped]]

First trip in morning went 1/2 mile east of Odenville to old borrow pit on north side of R. R. The fossils were from upper Odenville.

Rogland Qy. 1 1/2 mi SE of Rogland
[[sketch of geologic column in left margin]]

Fort Payne |
   35'     |
===========| E
===========| D
===========| C
===========| B
           | A
A - Little Oak
B - 8" - 1' limestone welded to Little Oak.
C. Sandy crumbly shale about 3'.
D. - Soft sandy [[strikeout]] shale [[/strikeout]] [[insert]] rock [[/insert]] with many corals. 1'
E. 3" with Anoplotheca with C. coronates Tropidoleptus occurs also below the Anoplotheca. Above Anoplotheca sandstone [[became or because]]
F. harder and with Tropidoleptus very abundant in the lower 5' Fossils rare above 35'
[[sketch of road intersection with square representing house at intersection]]
Nigger Boarding House [[/sketch]]