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[[stamped]] 0593 [[/stamped]]

May 20
Went from Cumberland Gap to Gate City and then northeast on Virginia 74. The idea was to find Frigates Hill locality of Raymond. The site of the old Post Office was found. About a mile east of this place we went across Mocassin Creek and searched for fossils in the shales overlying the
[[left margin]] 582 [[/left margin]]
[[left margin]] 582a [[/left margin]]
"Holston". Fossils were not abundant six miles west of Fergates Hill P. O. and on the Hy is another locality that afforded fair collecting. Mimella was common in the lowest beds but higher in the section Dinorthis was abundant.
[[left margin]] 581 [[/left margin]]

Near .New Bethel Church another collecting ground was found
[[left margin]] 580 [[/left margin]] which yielded many Echinosphaerites as well as Strophomena, Mimella, Multicostella, Rafinesquina