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[[stamped] 0629 [[/stamped]]
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dark brown gray in color and with distinct grain. The very shaly part represents perhaps 1/3 of the total thickness below the Tellico. Above the thin-bedded shale the rock becomes sandier and heavy-bedded and near the top is a very fine-grained sandstone with fucoids. In about the middle of the upper 2/3 occurred nodules with Lonchodomas abundant and like the rock seen in the railroad cut. At the top of the Athens are nodular shaly and granular beds suggesting Ottosee.

Tellico - Thick bed of calcarenytes and red as with much ferruginous material.

Sevier - Thin-bedded sandstone and calcareous sands looking very much like Martinsburg.

T - 8 - About 5 miles SE of Sweetwater on Tenn 68 and 1/2 mile SE of Gaines school is a glade slope in upper Athens. Lonchodomas is common but also a few brachiopods suggesting the upper Lenoir at Friendsville.

Section one side SW of Gaines School on Sweetwater [[square symbol]] showes nodular ls beds interbedded with Yellow sandy shale that breaks into very small lumps. Here large Sowerbyites and Christiania are abundant.

No Maclurites were seen in any of the Lenoir sequences seen on this day.