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[[stamped]] 0634 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin]] 13. [[/left margin]]

Lower Lenoir at Lenoir City - 

Measured along road by houses

5. Crumbly shaly ls., gray fine grained Maclurites, Mimella         25 - 30'
4. Buff gray weathering silty dolomite Conchoidal fracture               30"
3. Mostly covered but up 2' thin crumbly dolomitic shale                  5'
2 Earthy shaly ash gray ls. with Rostricellula                           18"
1. Mosheim type, drab gray wavy bed, snails Dolomite                      4'

Section in old quarry near Creek
Crumbly shaly ls. with Maclurites                                   25 - 30'
Firm silty "dolomite" possibly silty                                     30"
Shaly drab gray dolomite possibly silty                                   6'
Rostricellula bed. (T-28)                                             2 - 4"
Mosheim type                                                              9'

Total thickness of Lenoir as indicated along strike from Lenoir City to Concord is in the neighborhood of 150'.

Cooper & Edmundson agree that Mosheim at Mosheims is not necessarily the same as the