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Section at Hagan

up. Bentonite                3'
Chiefly arg. gray ls.       36'
Lower Bentonite              2'
Dove ls. (Pronodemia)       38
Green Gray ls               61'
Bentonite                    1'
[[^]]{Dove gray calcilutite 33'
Green shale -------------   12'
Moccosin    -------------  345' yellow weathering sandy shale
Chert zone  -------------   63' Prinoplema[[?]] at top.
Canearocladia[[?]] ------  127' Cryptophragnus
Basal Wetten ------------   35' Tetradium / Top of Wardell

Impure dark ls               5' Stromatocerium
Shaly zone [[^]] vaughanite 82  probably by horizon Tetradium
Calcilutite -------------   36'
Red bed  ----------------    2'
Vaughanite --------------   11'
First red bed -----------    3'
Slabby vaughanite          200' Tetradium cellulosum  
Covered -----------------   60'
Cherty Lenoir ls --------   59' Murfresboro fossils
Mosheim vaughanite          65'
Granular cherty ls          93' = Butts Lenoir = Cooper
Arg. calcilutite            35'
Blackford                  143' ls. & dolomite