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[[stamped]] 0682 [[/stamped]]
[[encircled]] 24 [[/encircled]]

Hill and here are Top Benbolt or low Wardell. According to Cooper the Foscifera bed is up. Benbolt also because of small Dystactospengia. Benbolt is the lower & middle yellow cobbly band at the church.
Section at Rose Hill, Tenn.
Maynardville [[square symbol]]], Tenn.

At base of section occurs a Mosheim like limestone thought by BNC to be in the blocky chert horizon. This is followed by red beds and yellow shale with beds of earthy limestone about 90 - 100' thick. This is succeeded by cherty heavy-bedded limestone assigned to the Ward Cove. In the lower part of the red bed succession occurs gray granular ls with thin shale partings containing Strophora[[?]] Oligorhynchids, Plectocamara was seen higher in the red-bed sequence.

Above the Ward Cove occurs a thin layer of Vanghanite with T. cellulosum This is followed by a cherty band.

After the chert comes thin-bedded limestone with cobbly shaly bands belonging to the Benbolt. Sowerbyella was abundant. Above the Benbolt are platy ls. abounding in T. cellulosum and also containing Ancistroshyncha and Hesperarthis at the road intersection at Rose Hill School.

Above the road intersection opposite the lumber yard comes Cryptogragmus. Above this is Witten which is followed by Moccasin terminated by a 6' bentonite On the bentonite is mealy Eggleston (20') terminated by the Curdsville

Transcription Notes:
I am probably doing this all wrong, but I transcribed this page originally. Someone edited to remove the 'en' from encircled and remove spaces between [[...]] and the word like this [[.]]4[[.]] which is not per the instructions that clearly show spacing, as well as to add extra lines between all paragraphs. The writer only added an extra line between two of the paragraphs; however the editor added lines to all which doesn't make any sense to me. Not sure the significance of the editing, seems like wasted effort to do just what I noted. If there were words that were spelled incorrectly, or if there were words I couldn't transcribe and this was corrected, I could see the effort. Feel as if I am wasting my time on transcribing any of this. Encircle means to form a circle around Circled means to travel around a curved path