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[[stamped]] 0719 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin encircled]] 13 [[/left margin ecircled]]

Look up collections of Little Oak and Odenville collected by Cloud and Bridges in 1943.

[[left margin]] Aug 18 [[/left margin]]
Devils Gate. barbecuing evening at Mitchel's at Ruby Hill.
Breakfast            0.45

[[left margin]] Aug 19. [[/left margin]]
Breakfast            0.55

Windfall Canyon

[[image; drawing in left margin of geologic column as follows]]

335'   | Gray granular cherty ls. in beds up
       | to 1' separated by thinner ls. beds
       | fossil here 
226'   | Mostly covered but evidently platy &
       | bedded ls up to 4", gray in color.
       | Looks [[symbol]]
115'   | Massive bedded light gray ls, hackly
       | fracture
Ca 500'| Yellow weathering, thin platy ls,
       | gray hackly in fresh fracture, often
       | light red on plates
  [[between vertical arrows pointing from top of 115' column to bottom Ca 500']] Zone 2 [[/between]]

78'    | 78' similar to below but more compact
       | and with 10'-12' massive layer at
       | base
120'   | Zone 1 - Dark blue platy ls.
       | weathering reddish, yellowish & brown
       | but with patches of blue

[[between vertical line pointing from top of 78' column to bottom 120']] Zone 1 [[/between]]

       | Dunderberg[[?]]
       | Hamburg dol.

Nanorthis was seen on nose of hill over road about 50-100' above Elkania Thick bed.