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[[stamped]] Aug 18 1924 [[/stamped]]

Delta, Ohio,
August 13, 1924
Mrs. Ross L. Watkins

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me.

Burpee's seeds have made me a vegetable and flower enthusiast and the vegetables produced have given me strength to carry on the gardening as well as all home work for a family of four. When I first began gardening I could scarcely do the daily housework for two but vegetables fresh and crisp gave me strength and with strength came ambitions to do more. 
Each year I try some different vegetable until now our garden contains a great variety. It feeds us the year around. This year I tried raising bulbs from seed and what fun it is! What wonderful things nature reveals to those who keep open eyes and an alert mind, ready to learn.
Burpee's seeds instill confidence and inspire one [[strike]]to[[/strike]] do their best to continue the vigorous growth made possible only by strong, vigorous seeds.

Burpee's seeds for me, always.