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[[stamped]] AUG 18 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/27/24]]

For Prize Contest
What Burpee's Seeds have done for Me

Granville Ohio
460 West Maple St

1st I have learned by planting Burpees seed for almost fourty years, That there is [[underlined]] none [[/underlined]] better and that you are [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] sure to loose out unless you send direct to the firm for your seeds. And not [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] as I have at times done buy your seeds in bulk. My first Catalog came to me sometime in the eighties When left in my teens By the death of my mother as my Fathers Houskeeper. on a farm [[strikethrough]] of three hundred or more acres [[/strikethrough]] with cows chickens Gardens to oversee my first venture was Fordhooks litttle bush butter beans. They peroved such a suchsess. That I later Tried Burpees Bush Lima beans. Burpees stringless Green podded. Truckers Tomatos, and Many others. And to day at almost 70 years I have Burpees Stringless & Bush Lima beans growing on my garden. And I feel that by growing the newer things as they are first put out watching them grow and develop in to something more than just [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ordinary. Can not help but make you love nature and And in so doing Look from Nature up to Natures God. And enable [[underlined]] us [[/underlined]] to develop in to something pure & better. As we learn to love nature 

Mrs. Margaret Baker