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[[stamped]] AUG 18 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/27/24]]

Williamson, N. Y.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
- Prize Contest. -

Dear Sirs;

The past spring I sent you my first order for garden seeds as heretofore had always bought from our local seedman with dissappointing results.

My order to you contained the following Lettuce radish, beans, early cabbage, peas, tomatoes, sweet corn, pickles, parsnips, greenss and a few flower seeds. Every seed which was put in came up and owing to my previous experience with seeds I sewed too thickly so had to do considerable thinning. Have had the most delicious of vegetables from my garden and have supplied friends and neighbors tables as well. Everybody said you did not raise these in your own garden and I always reply Yes and all my seed came from Burpee's.

I have a plot of parsnips which I am raising for market and they are truly a delight to the eye.Tomatoes you hardly ever see such nice smooth ones and so full. The pickles are just beginning to form and from the looks will have more than plenty and to spare.

Mother and grandmother have always used your seeds and are high in praise of them.

Yours truly
Mrs. Peter H. Peray,
Williamson, New York.
R. D. 2.