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The tall stems of each handsome for hall tables in the east plat with eighty feet length rows parallel with the main walk were string and bush lima beans, spinach and one row of cabbage; pole beans were in the back fence to north, and next to them were okra and cucumbers.

Only the finer flowers and vegetables were here,the coarser ones all being in the field with exception of a cabbage row and eight tomato plants, a specialty in method of planting- fine success Seeing else where cabbages of several varieties which when young bore resemblance to some of the old tea roses. I put some similar plants in the garden, and when grown, before heading time, I called them Bon Silene, Saffrano, etc. This was previous to the [[underlined]] building [[/underlined]] of the rose bed. Friends said all the garden looked like a flower garden often exclaiming on the attractiveness of the vegetables, and absence of weeds among them

My chief incentive for ordering the vegetable plats after this method, was for the sake of my invalid mother who delighted in walking and sitting in the garden when the sun was low to watch the beautiful effect of last rays on flowers and vegetables, gazing with much satisfaction, and pleasure for the beauty of the well set rows of your fine peas
I have written all this (thinking that, if you have time to read so much, you might be interested to know something of one amateur gardener's method and practical working with your seeds.

There are many public benefactors in this day and generation, but I think the producers of good seeds are such in an especial sense. It is a great and beneficent work you are perpetuating in your family and I desire here to thank you personally for the values I have received from it