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Those who cultivate their flowers and vegetables by proxy, are akin, I think, to the mothers who give their young children into the hand of hired people, nurses and governesses, and thus defraud themselves of the joy and obligation of their upbringing

I have some satisfaction in the fact that that before the prize offer of your catalogue was discovered by me, I had, in a letter to you concerning an order, expressed to you there something of the same sentiments and statements of the Contest story I sent to you on yesterday. Not alone for the hope of revenue did I write it, but for the genuine pleasure of the expression. 
Should my manuscript be adjudged among the winning ones and should you think to publish it, kindly use a pen name, Margaret McAllister.
If either the members of your firm should at any time be in Nashville or passing thru I think you should be interested to visit this unique institution of which the little "Sanitarium in the woods" is an adjunct, where I am stranded for a time from a shock to nerves. It is a demonstration farm, and industrial training school on ^[[rocky &]] "looted land" when they took it, for an object lesson to hill country people of the south, among whom they have established many units on little farms, with a preschool, and natural treatments from nurses, and other help work, to teach the people that they can "educate" their land," and help them to do it. Professor Floyd Bralliar, a naturalist and botanist of no mean order, is one of the teachers and workers in this sucessful democracy. I am assured  that he and other members of the faculty with Dr Sutherland Medical Superintendent & Dean of the School shall welcome you should you elect to come. The manuscript was delayed thru mistake of type writer, and this letter, thru physically inability to write on yesterday.

Cordially yours
Emeline Hamilton