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[[stamped]] AUG 18 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/27/24]]
Erie, Pa Aug. 14, 1924

For Prize Contest   

  I have a garden measuring about 60 - 18 feet.
In June I sold 225 bunches of Burpee's white Icicle radishes and used all we wanted ourselves 
   I had a verry nice patch of Burpee's yellow beans, now that they are gon I have put in cellery and endive  
   I saved 1/2 oz. of giant pascal celery seed out of which I got abut 2500 plants I have Burpee's golden Bantam corn to use now while it is selling at 50 [[cents symbol]] a doz. I have a fine patch of southport yellow globe onion sets of 1 oz. of seed which will produce at least one chip basket of sets.