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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[Stamped]] AUG 15 1924 [[/Stamped]]

My mother having died, the presents of flowers are "up to me" for selection, care, quality and quantity. Being an office girl my time is limited. Each year several seed catalogues come into my hands at the office, Farm Demonstration, and of them all I like best W. Atlee Burpee Company's one. I make and remake my list of desired seeds, bulbs and plants. I always want more than I can possibly care for, nor have I the space and money for so many.

Last year my phlox ordered and planted in the spring was really wonderful in the fall for the color and size of blooms. I cut from them the last bloom as I supposed and a few days later on going to the garden there would be another bloom, cutting seemed to do no harm but rather increased their vigor. How I wished Burpee could have seen them. This year my nastursiums, Golden King, Cherry-Rose, Dwarf Pearl and Empress of India are attracting attention, also the President Harding sweet peas.

Being a novice in flower growing, I have been wonderfully rewarded by the results of my plantings. I am more than satisfied. Oh, how I wish the purchasing public would realize the value of good seed.

Transcription Notes:
I have typed nastursiums as she had it in the letter even though the spell check does not like it.