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^[[Ans 8/27/24]] 
^[[AUG 15 1924]]                                       


Verona, Missouri
Aug. 11 1924

For Prize Contest:

I am writing this letter fore the prize Contest, and what Burpee's seed has done for me. I have used Burpee's seed over twenty years already, And have grate [[success]] in Burpee's seed, And was always well please in Burpee's seed. And I had one Acre of Tomatoes the Dwarf Giant and they yield four Ton. to one acre, And they was the best tomatoes to can and every boody thought that was the best tomatoes. We had them fore the canning factior they are the best tomatoes. And about the beets are

Transcription Notes:
The unusual spelling, grammar and use of homophones are true to the letter and uncorrected.