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[[stamped]] Aug 15 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[ Ans 8/27/24 ]]

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

I'm just telling "the plain truth about seeds that grow", when I say that their growth starts before planting.

Burpee's Annual comes in midwinter, and immediately reap a harvest in the joys of reading, choosing and planning my order.  Incidentally, the Annual is just the size to study after getting under the blankets -- somewhat of a drawback in my wife's opinion.

When Spring opens the harvest continues.  My occupation is an indoor one, and I need open air recreation.  Golfing, motoring, tennis etc supply that to many.  But gardening costs little, is a home sport, and has the delight of constructive effort.  The gardener gets the exercise of strenuous games, as much fresh air as the golfer and, by growing the plants of foreign lands, obtains as much idea of far off countries as the long distance motorist.

Burpee's Seeds in twenty years have given me prizes at Fairs, flowers to beautify my own home and those of my friends; vegetables for the table, and best of all an abiding appreciation of the marvels of plant and animal life all about us on this old world of ours.

W S Brodie
718 - 10th St. S.,
Lethbridge, Alberta