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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

For Prize Contest     
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me. 
Up in three days after planting is what your seeds did for me in March and our garden has been growing like that ever since!  Stately foxgloves, pentstemons and hollyhocks have bloomed in neighbor's garden till they went to seed.  Not a flower did he pick, preferring that other should enjoy the flowers.  From the first pansies to the American Beauty asters now in bloom, our garden has kept every vase and jar filled and we give away literally by the bushel.  Our perennials all mean something for they have come from our old home and from friends.
Fresh vegetables have grown in great abundance for our own and neighbor's table.  We ate our first Golden Bantam corn July 29th.  Early wasn't it?  My mother's mother used to delight in her flowers from Burpee's seeds; [[underlined]] so you can seed gardening a la Burpee runs in the family. [[/underlined]]  If in late October our garden has proved a thing of beauty and usefulness then all is well. 
Very cordially yours,
Miss Ruth J. Cummings
23 Mertz Avenue,
Hillside, New Jersey