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^[[Ans 8/28/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

For Prize Contest
(196 words)
"Come into the Garden, Maud", for a garden is a [[?lovesome]] spot.  First we will pluck the sweetly fragrant "Sweet Sultans" yellow, white and dainty lavender colors; and the sweet Peas, too "fairy flowers" they are, as a little sick friend living nearby calls them.
Here are the stately "Balsams" pure white, pink, and lovely tricolor.
The "Sweet Williams" have nearly finished their wonderful show of color, but the Phlox, marigold, calliopsis and Blue Eyed daisies are blooming now and oh! what lovely colors they are showing!
The dahlias too, make their corner bright with color, crimson pink, yellow and the white pompon dallia, the baby of them all.