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[[stamped]]AUG 15 1924[[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/28/24]]

East Brook, Pa.,

For Prize Contest.

What Burpees Seeds Have Done For Me.

They have added new interests to life. Winter days were brightened by reading 'Burpee's Annual.' Valuable knowledge of plants and their culture was attained. Visions of wonderful flowers and prize-winning vegetables were ours. Seeds ordered from Burpees were sown in hotbed. Interested family and neighbors watched their growth. Inquiries were made as to whether seeds had been purchased from village store or city firm. On replying From Burpee Co. Philadelphia, one said, "Their seeds are high priced, but cheaper than inferior grades for they are twice tested & guaranteed to be the best. They grow & produce the finest vegetables."

Instead of a city backyard an acre of fertile land became ours. Seeds of our grandmother's favorite flowers both annual and perennial were planted in borders, vegetable seedlings transplanted to the garden. Weeks passed and painstaking labor was awarded by the most delicious vegetables and loveliest flowers