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[[stamped]]illegible date[[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/27/24]]

For Prize Contest    

What Burpees Seeds Have Done for Me.

Gardening is a profit[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]able pleasure when we can buy fresh seeds brimful of life and growing power, and can have the feeling and joy of knowing that you have product created, made "two blades grow where but one grew before" 

There is a great satisfaction and a real joy in a garden that "does well."

With Burpees seeds it surely will.

Eat vegetables for vitamines.

Every gardner should take an interest of having fresh just-picked vegetables everyday for your table, the money saving in grocery bills and doctor's bills.  To have all this you [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] be [[underlined]] sure [[/underlined]] of the seeds you plant.

We are [[underlined]] always [[/underlined]] glad to recommend Burpee's Seeds.  Buying from you spells economy and satisfaction.