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[[preprinted]] W. ATLEE BURPEE CO. [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Page Six [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/undelined]]

"I wish I could express myself in English as well as some say I do in Spanish, to tell you how dear Burpee's name is at home!

It is over twenty years that my mother (Virginia S. v. de Vanini) is your customer, and surely she will never prefer other seeds, althoug she received catalogs from many parts of the world! No one is so heartily welcome as our good friend Burpee.

Flowers obtained from your seeds, and cultivated by my mother, have become famous in Chili, our country. She has introduced in the market some of your splendid varieties, namely Sweet Peas, her favorite flower. I have written about it a poem: "Mi Madre y el Clarin" (My Mother and the Sweet Pea) that you will find in the book I have the pleasure to include.

Your vegetable seeds are also most perfect in taste and quality, and duly cultivated, they surpass your own praises.

Burpee's Seeds have enjoyed our life, and contributed to give us life as we sell flowers,-and of course we could be rich now, with the product of our honest, constant labor, had it not been for the most unfavorable circumstances that have made our work extremely difficult."

Blanca Vanini Silva de Lagos,
Clasificador 270,
Santiago de Chili