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[[preprinted]]W. ATLEE BURPEE CO.[[/preprinted]]

Page Nine

[[underline]] WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/underline]]

"Burpee's Seeds do indeed grow!.  I have proved this.  Even after a long journey to tropical Asia they germinated freely and furnished our table with abundance of fresh vegetables.

Flowers - how they grace and charm and cheer our foreign home!  How delightful it is to inhale the fragrance of a plant that one used to meet in the old home and garden."

Mrs. Mungo Park,
Federated Malay States

"Burpee's Seeds are worth their weight in gold".

Mrs. William Ellwood,

"Transformed a barren sand lot on the shore of the Pacific Ocean into a garden of wondrous beauty."

E. J. Thornton,
1373 - 47th Avenue,
San Francisco, Calif.

"The "Burpee Quality" is par excellence a superlative value.  Burpee's Seeds represent the highest monetary value in yield.  The name of Burpee brings to my mind the positive assurance of every essential quality in seeds.  In Burpee's catalog I have a standard, reliable work of reference on seed and seed description."

M. L. Rhodes,

"We are going to plant Burpee's choice seeds only this year again.  Our flowers were the finest in this neighborhood, and many people inquiried where we got our seed."

Ernest Boden,
1505 Hoyt Ave.,
Everett, Washington