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[[preprinted]] W. ATLEE BURPEE CO. [[/preprinted]]

Page Fifteen

[[underlined]] WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/underlined]]

"Being isolated fifty miles from the railroad and three miles from nearest neighbors is perhaps more interesting in fiction than in fact.
When my baby was six weeks old we came to Wyoming. Weary from our long journey we came suddenly upon our new home - a barren place on the prairie - lonely and forbidding with sagebrush and cactus surrounding it.  A discouraging picture if ever there was one.  And I have loved beauty since childhood!
This was eight years ago. We are still here.  Our home is no longer sunblistered, sad and lonely - it is a Home - shady, cool and peacegiving with a riot of gorgeous color. Behind my stately hollyhocks is our vegetable garden full of good things to eat.  My little daughter has grown up to love God's good gifts and summer evenings, after a hard day's work in the fields, my husband sits in the shade of our vines and I see his eyes wander over our place in deep affection as he listens to the drone of the bees busy among our flowers.
What has Burpee's Seeds done for me?  They have done the greatest thing in the world.  They have made me a HOME."

Mrs. Emmet Gain,
Arvada, Wyo.

"Healthful exercise, much needed by me."

E. N. Jennison, 
1457 Rockaway Avenue,
Lakewood, Ohio.

"How well our seeds germinated."

F. G. Davis,
P. O. Box #334,
Harrisonburg, Va.