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[[preprinted]]W. ATLEE BURPEE CO.[[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Page Sixteen

"I won sweepstake prize for three consecutive years. Saved much money by providing the family with an abundance of delicious, life-lengthening vegetables."

Leland Andarson,
315 - 7th St.
Des Moines, Iowa

"Much of the food the body needs My be produced from Burpee's Seeds."

Miss Clara Campbell,
Batavia, Iowa

"Burpee's Seeds developed for me a thriving business that made possible my attendance at preparatory school and then college."

H. W. Browing,
Kingston, R. I.

"Rows of sturdy growing things,
Good to eat and fair to see;
All the joys the garden brings
Burpee's Seeds have brought to me".

Juliana Clark
R. F. D. 5,
Union City, Pa.

"Burpee's Sweet Pea Seed in my back yard along fence 50 feet, net profit about $50.00."

Chas. A. Morgan,
35 West 18th Street
Jacksonville, Florida

"A deep and abiding interesti in all growing things."

Clara Batdorf,
Yates City