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letter file

Monthly Report

Nov. 30, 1883

[[stamp]] EXAMINED BY MR. RATHBUN MARCH 1913 [[/stamp]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode,
Assistant Director, National Museum
Sir: - I would respectfully submit the following monthly report of the work done in the departments under my charge during the month ending November 30th 1883.
By far the greater part of the time has been taken up in running through the collections for the purpose of learning what specimens are on hand, and in transferring all the articles belonging to the food collection to the place assigned for them, and the fibers, textiles etc. to the west entrance, where I am now arranging them.
In the Department of Foods, Mr. Towne has been engaged as constantly as possible in arranging the Indian Foods. The work seems to progress very slowly, but it is hoped it will go on more regularly during the next months. I think all the Indian foods can be placed in the cases during the coming months. As soon as they