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[[typewritten]] One copy by, W.B.T.
Revised by ^[[REH and WBT]] 
Sept. 6th 1884. [[/typewritten]]

[[circeld]] Printed in full [[/circled]]

Year 1883

[[stamped]] EXAMINED BY 
MARCH 1913. [[/stamped]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode
   Assistant Director.
      National Museum.
  Dear Sir, - I have the honor to submit the following report of the section of foods and textiles, for the year 1883.
   Owing to the short time I have been connected with the museum, it is not possible to know precisely what donations [[strikethrough]] of special importance [[/strikethrough]] have been received during the year, since they are recorded in different catalogues, the special catalogues of the section having been opened in November.
   So far as I am able to learn, however; there have been no donations to the textile collection of special importance during the year; unless some valuable specimens promised by certain parties in London have been received by Mr. Earll, and are on the way with the other collections.

[[written vertically]] 1883 - 90 [[/written vertically]]