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An equally complete, and more comprehensive, series of specimens illustrating the manufacture of worsted and cotton yarns, and also of the finished fabrics and the process of calico printing, has been received from the Pacific Mills, and will soon be mounted for exhibition in the museum.

This collection likewise begins with the wool in the grease. Six varieties and mixtures of wool are represented by large samples, and these are each carried through the successive stages of manufacture, [[strikethrough]] card [[/strikethrough]] washing, carding, combing, etc. to the finished yarn.

The manufacture of cotton yarn is likewise illustrated, two grades being carried through the various operations in parallel series [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]], the specimens being carefully chosen to represent the processes [[strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]] as completely as possible.

Calico printing is illustrated by specimens of cloth before and after bleaching, after printing, with color set, and finished. There is also a copper print-roller, taken from the machine, and the process is still more fully illustrated by photographs taken at the mills by the acting curator on the occasion of his visit during the summer.

There is also a fine set of samples of cotton goods, worsteds and delaines representing the large variety of fabrics manufactured by the Pacific Mills.