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[[centered, blue]] 12 [[/centered]]

=ing specimens. It will be necessary, however, to employ it frequently in future, for the work will require it.

But little attention has been given to any but the exhibition series of specimens during this year. It is doubtful if a comprehensive study-series would be of value in the museum. A set of fibers of all kinds and from different localities, that can be always accessible for examination, is, however, very desirable if not absolutely necessary, and it is intended to prepare such a series without delay.

The microscopical appearance of the [[strikethrough]] fibers [[/strikethrough]] more important textile fibers will be shown by means of photographs from the microscope [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in connection with the fibers themselves, as soon as time permits. To this end, some preparations were mounted for microscopical examination by Mr. Harry English, during his connection with the museum and it is expected they will yield fine photographs.