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5. Recommendations and Remarks.

One of the first recommendations the curator would make, is that an assistant be appointed to work constantly upon the textiles collection. The occasional assignment of an assistant, as has been done during the past year, does not prove to be satisfactory, for the reason that to be efficient the assistant must have some knowledge of the work, and of the manner of keeping the records of the department, so that the work may go on without interruption during the curator's absence. The assistent at present engaged is thoroughly competent, careful, and industrious, and his permanent assignment to the work is recommended.

To increase the interest of the collections, to make them more instructive and intelligible, it seems desirable to make use of photography to illustrate the textile industries, even to as great an extent as has been done already in illustrating the fisheries. [[strikethrough]] A beginning has been made [[/strikethrough]] What little has been done has enabled the curator to judge as to the value and practicability of such a scheme, and since it does not involve the employment of a photographer, but only some additional work on his own part, it is recommended that every facility should be given to carry out the scheme in a satisfactory manner. The plan advised, [[strikethrough]] is to [[/strikethrough]] taking the subject of cotton for example, is to begin with the cotton in the field and follow it through its entire commercial history by photographic representations of [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] process [[/strikethrough]] picking, ginning, baling, shipping, and handling until it reaches the mills. There it is also followed through the various machines, until it is finally [[strikethrough]] shown as [[/strikethrough]] photographed in the [[strikethrough]] warehouse [[/strikethrough]] piles of