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Foods, Drinks etc.

The collection of foods, drinks, narcotics etc., which has also been under my charge during the year has received some valuable additions, but it has been impossible to devote much time to arranging or labelling the specimens; the labor required to prepare the collection of textiles for the New Orleans exposition having greatly interfered with the regular work in this department. Such specimens as have been received, however, have been properly cared for, and in most instances placed in the cases with temporary labels attached.

1. Important Additions

Thirty-three specimens of foods, spices and fruits of various countries from the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, England.

Thirteen specimens, including starches, jellies, grains, and fruits, from the Government of Hawaii, received through the Boston Foreign Exposition.

A series of seventeen specimens of Cheshire salt from Cheshire, England, presented by Mr. J.J. Higgin, of Liverpool, England.

[[strikethrough]] Sixty [[/strikethrough]] Seventy-six specimens of foods from Guatemala, including coffees in great variety, cocoa beans, starches, flours, annato, tamarinds and various other articles, received through the Boston foreign exposition.

Nine specimens [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of foods from Brazil, including coffees, maté, sugar, banana paste, araca paste, etc., received through the Boston Foreign Exposition.