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[[a lined page with four columns: first column lists English words; second column lists Miami words; third and fourth columns left blank]]

[[first column]] 
[[preprinted]] ENGLISH.
[[handwritten]] doe [[/handwritten]]
109 fox
110 [[handwritten strikethrough]] buck [[/handwritten strikethrough]] [[handwritten below]] fawn [[/handwritten below]]
111 elk
112 beaver
113 rabbit, hare
114 tortoise
115 horse
116 fly
117 mosquito
118 snake
119 rattlesnake
120 bird
121 egg
122 feathers
123 wings
124 goose
125 duck (mallard)
126 turkey
127 pigeon
128 fish
129 salmon
130 sturgeon
131 name
132 white
133 black
134 red
135 light-blue
136 yellow
137 light-green
138 great, large
139 small, little
140 strong
141 old
142 young
143 good
144 bad [[preprinted]]
[[handwritten in lower margin]] rifle
whisky [[/handwritten]]
[[/first column]]

[[second column]]
[[space relating to "doe"]] o[[underline]] c [[/underline]] [[written above "c"]] E [[/written above "c"]] uoau
[[109]] pauponguaumaw
[[110]] eaupeau,
[[space relating to "fawn"]] appecea
[[spaces relating to 112 through 125 left blank]]
[[126]] pelewa
[[space 127 left blank]]
[[128]] heconessau,
[[spaces relating to 129 through 138 left blank]]
[[139]] appele
[[spaces relating to 140 through 144 left blank]]           
[[correlating to "rifle"]] papiquane
[[correlating to "powder"]] cotewey
[[correlating to "botle"]] suckentew[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] [[written above strikethrough]] e [[/written above strikethrough]] y
[[correlating to "whiskey"]] coteabowe      
[[/second column]]

[[third column]]
[[entire column left blank]]

[[fourth column]]
[[entire column left blank]]