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translated by my assistant, Mr. Rufus W. Deering, from Etudes sur les Fibres, by M. VĂ©tillart, was published in the same journal, vol. VI, p. 47.

In addition to the ordinary routine work it is intended, as soon as possible, to display with each typical fibre a large photomicrograph, showing the peculiarities of structure as revealed by the microscope. A number of specimens have been prepared and mounted for this special purpose.,

(4) The number of specimens in the collection at the end of June 1885 can only be approximately estimated. Including a large number sent to the New Orleans Exposition there were probably not less than 1520 in the exhibition series, and 200 in the study-series. The number in the reserve series at that time is unknown.

The last number on the Textiles catalogue of 1884 is 6857. The last entry of from 1885 is 7440, making the total number of additions 583.

[[signed]] R. Hitchcock [[/signed]]