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[[double underline]] Jan-June '85 [[/double underline]]


Hitchcock K3 Upper

[[circled]] Printed in full [[/circled]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode

Assistant Director, U.S. Nat. Museum

Dear Sir:- I herewith transmit to you my reports of the work done in the Section of Foods, Drinks, etc. during the months of January to June, 1885, in accordance with the instructions conveyed in your communication dated Oct. 20th 1885.

Respectfully R. Hitchcock

Nov. 2nd 1885.

The work in the section of foods, drinks etc, which includes narcotics, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] the methods of preparing articles of foods, and the comparison of the nutrition value of foods, is comprehensive, and the collection can undoubtedly be made one of the most instructive as well as interesting I the museum.  Unfortunately, however, so much time has been required by the demands of the textiles collection, especially in preparing for the exposition at New Orleans, that the work in this section has thus far been almost wholly confined to the routine [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]] of cataloguing and preserving the specimens.

During the [[strikethrough]] year the [[/strikethrough]] six months the following valuable additions have been made to the collection:-

A collection of the elements of the human body, from Prof. W. O. Atwater.

A specimen of Gail Borden's meat biscuit, manufactured in Mexico, from Professor Baird.