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Considerable interest. The collection is not arranged; and requires a thorough re-examination of every specimen as soon as time permits, before it will be in a condition suitable for public display. A case has been temporarily arranged for the display of specimens illustrating the composition of the human body, prepared by Prof. W.O.Atwater; but the set is not yet complete. It is hoped that before the close of the year there will be opportunity to arrange the collection of foods in accordance with the classification prepared by yourself.

B [[two vertical lines]] The physical apparatus belonging to the Smithsonian Institution [[^which]] has been transferred to the National Museum and placed in cases. The arrangement has been necessarily very unsystematic, owing to the limited space at my disposal, but in a general way it is classified under three heads, viz.: apparatus for experiments on sound, heat and light, and electricity. A list of the instruments in this collection (which is of interest as having been used by Professor Henry), is in course of preparation. In connection with it may be mentioned the relics of electrical and chemical apparatus of Dr. Joseph Priestley, which is on exhibition in the same place. [[two vertical stripes]]

R. Hitchcock