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K3. upper.     Jan 1885.

^[[Approved G. Brown Goode]] 

[[stamped]] EXAMINED BY MR. RATHBUN MARCH 1916. [[/stamped]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode
Assistant Director National Museum.
Dear Sir:- I send you herewith my monthly report of the operations in the section of Textiles during the month of January, 1885.

R Hitchcock

Feb. 20th 1885.

The following specimens of special value and interest have been catalogued during the month.

A model of the cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney, presented by his son. 

A large collection of vegetable fibres from Brazil, collected with great care by Dr. J. Chas. Birrini, of Guissaman, Brazil. This is a collection of unusual value, being accompanied by a letter giving much information concerning the sources and uses of the fibres. The Museum is greatly indebted to the donor for the care exercised in selecting good specimens for [[striked through words]] exhibition, as well as for determining botanical names of the trees from which they are obtained. The collection embraces more than 35 specimens, the greater part of which have been mounted and placed on exhibition with written labels.
Dr. Berrini promises a supplementary collection to fill gaps in this one, and to complete the set of Brazillian textile fibres.

A number of specimens of silk cocoons raised in North Carolina, and silk reeled from them have been received from Mr. Virion des Lauriers, of New York City. This is a portion of a more complete collection promised to represent the raw silk industry of the United States.

Several days were spent at the Depart-