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[[stamped]] Approved G Brown Goode [[/stamped]]
CPfile K3W
[[stamped]] EXAMINED BY MR. RATHBUN MARCH 1913. [[/stamped]]
Feb. 1885

Mr. G. Brown Goode, Assistant Director
Dear Sir:- I send you herewith the report of the work done in my department of the Museum during the month of February, 1885

R Hitchcock

Feb 28/85

The preparation of labels for specimens already mounted, collecting information concerning textile fibres obtained from the Department of Agriculture, and cataloguing and arranging those specimens have constituted the greater part of the work during the month.  Labels for all the fibres from Brazil, mentioned in my report last month, have been prepared for printing, and also labels for the entire collection of wools from the Pacific Mills.

Seventy-three specimens have been entered on the catalogue of textiles during the month, most of which are from the Dept. of Agriculture collection.  But a small proportion of these are of such a character as to admit of exhibition in the museum, either by reason of their small size, or unsatisfactory determination.  The rule strictly adhered to is not to mount any specimen that is not identified beyond all question.  Such specimens as are catalogued are distributed as follows:-

1. Good specimens, well identified are mounted for exhibition.

2. "  "  "  "  [[dittos for: Good specimens, well identified]] in excess of requirements, are put in duplicate series.

3. Small specimens, not suitable for exhibition but of possible value for microscopical study or reference are put in study series.

4. A specimen of each fibre that is shown in the cases, is also placed in the study series.  These specimens are to be used for microscopical preparations, to be photographed & examined when required.