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manufactured fabrics, which aroused deep interest, and may open the way to practical tests, a result greatly to be desired.

On the 22d inst. the following specimens for microscopical study were sent to Mr. Geo. S. Lewis Jr., Springfield, Mass. in response to his letter to Prof Baird viz. cocoa nut fibre.

7286 Doryanthus excelsa
7285 Cannabis sativa
7284 Hibiscus moscheutus
7287 Eucalyptus obliqua
7280 Irish flax
6975 Agave mexicana!
7120 India jute
6999 Asclepias down-Tripoli
6971 Phormium tenax

My assistant Mr. R. W. Deering was granted leave of absence for one day in accordance with his request, dated March 31st, herewith enclosed. On my return on the 13th inst. I learned that he had been absent from the 2d to the 13th inst. inclusive.

R Hitchcock