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[[right justified]] [[underline]] Aug. 1885 [[/underline]]  [[/justified]]

[[notes in top margin]] 1 copy [[J?]] 9-28-85
1 copy 8-5-86.
Mr. Goode returned this. MVC. [[/notes in top margin.


Mr. G. Brown Goode
Assistant Director Nat. Museum

Dear Sir: – I herewith send you my report of work done in the Museum during the month of August 1885.

      R Hitchcock 
          Acting Curator

Sept 2d 1885 

During the month of August but little work was done in installing new specimens, only four entries being made on the catalogue of textiles. [[blue line from here to the bottom of the page]]  The collections from New Orleans have been unpacked and so far as possible installed in the cases for exhibition – or rather on the Museum floor for the small space allotted to the specimens no proper exhibition can be made.  A large number of unit boxes from New Orleans have been sent to Mr. Hawley to have their contents rearranged & condensed for use in the Museum.  When this work is completed a final arrangement of the collection