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[[notes in top margin]]

1 copy [[J?]]
1 copy 3-5-86

JYB 1 copy [[BDG?]]
[[stamped]] G Brown Goode [[/stamped]]

Hitchcock [[underlined]] October [[/underlined]] 1885
K 3 upper
1885  [[/notes in top margin]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode
Assistant Director, Nat. Museum

Dear Sir - I send you herewith my report of work done in the sections of foods & textiles during the month of October, 1885
R Hitchcock
Acting Curator
Nov 2nd 1885

[[left margin: a blue line runs from the first line of this paragraph to the end of the page.]] The collection of foods, which has been allowed to accumulate in the cases for the past two years has been entirely rearranged, preparatory to effecting a material condensation of the collection as a whole, and the more suitable display of such specimens as are valuable for this purpose.  During the month a considerable number of additions have been made to this collection chiefly through the New Orleans Exposition, 78 entries in the catalogue having been made.  A collection of foods etc. used by the Indians of N.A. has been rec'd from Dr. Palmer & mounted, which does not appear in the food catalogue.