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[[notes in top margin]]
1 copy 3-5-86
Dec. 1885
Hitchcock [[strikethrough]] Jan. 1886 [[/strikethrough]]
Dec. 1885   K 3 upper      1885
[[/notes in top margin]]

Mr. G. Brown Goode
Assistant Director Nat. Mus.

Dear Sir- I herewith transmit to you the regular monthly report of my department for the month of December 1885.
R Hitchcock

[[left margin: a blue line running to the end of the next 2 paragraphs]]

In addition to the usual routine of recording specimens received, the entire collection of food substances has been removed from the N. W. range to the North Balcony, for classification and mounting for exhibition (The Indian food products, however, are still in the cases.)

One Kensington case of animal food substances has been prepared & is on exhibition in the N. W. range. Labels for printing have been prepared for the specimens shown.

[[left margin: A red line running to the end of the following paragraph.]]
The arranging of the Philosophical apparatus in the N. Hall has been completed, but the cases are very much fuller than they should be, & more space is required for the proper display of the apparatus.

R Hitchcock