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[[underlined]] 15 [[/underlined]]

[[double underline]] General Collections [[/underline]]

A considerable quantity of material, to be distributed among the various sections not yet provided for [[scribble]] on the floor of the Museum, has been received. It is all classified and stored on the North balcony, where it is available for use at any time. This includes gums, resins, dyes, pigments, oils, fats, soaps, waxes, perfumery [[strikethru]] & [[/strikethru]] essences and other articles.

Numerical Summary

Textiles on exhibition                                        1199 specimens
Textiles in study series                                       317 specimens
Food products on exhibition 
  [[strikethru]] 125 5 94 [[/strikethru]]                      594 specimens
Chemical products on exhibition                                659 specimens
                                        Total.                2769