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[[double underline]]CHEMICALS, FOODS, GUMS, DYES ETC.[[/Double underline]]

A statement of the number of specimens in the reserve, exhibition and duplicate series would be of no significance at present, for the reason that the numbers will be totally changed within a week of the time of writing.  In order to properly arrange the exhibition series, it [[strikethrough]] wl [[/strikethrough]] will be necessary to withdraw all the specimens from the cases and classify them, for the reason that during my absence many changes and additions were made without much regard to the plan of classification.  Another reason is that it is desirable to withdraw from exhibition entirely, certain series of specimens, to make room for others of a more generally interesting character.  The space allotted to technological material is entirely too small for the display of the valuable interesting specimens which the Museum already pos ^[[s]]esses. The speci- ^[[mens]] must be preserved and held in expectation of finding place for them in future, and when the time for their installation comes, it will be found that the accumulated material is of far greater value than would be supposed from the present crowded condition of the cases and storage drawers.