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^[[ [[centered]] [[underline]] 10. [[/underline]] [[/centered]] ]]

   2. Inorganic Compounds.

   3. Organic Compounds

C. Applied Chemistry.

  Acids, Alkalis, Glass, Porcelain, Soap, Candles,
  Glycerin, Paints, Dyes, Coal-Tar Products,
  Fermentation, Distillation, etc.

D. Analytical Chemistry and Research.

   Laboratory apparatus and special apparatus for


B. Pure Chemistry.

1. Elements. – An excellent series of chemical elements is already on exhibition in the Museum, including specimens of Lithium, Rubidium, Caesium, ^[[Small line connecting the "a" and "e" ]] Thallium, ^[[ Indium, Gallium, Thorium, ]] Rhodium, Ruthenium and other rare metals. Other specimens can be obtained, and already Professor F. W. Clarke has promised a specimen of the new metal Gallium.

It is proposed to keep the elements in a collection by themselves.